DIE NEUE Thermostatische Expansionsventil Serie RFGC
Die Serie RFGC 06 wurde speziell für den Einsatz mit Propan (R290) entwickelt und optimiert.
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Sanhua finished his participation at Climatizacion 2013 fair show in Madrid with great succes!.
Our first assistance as exhibitors in this important Salon have had a great sucess, with more than 600 visitors and 200 registers in our website.
Manufacturers, retaliers, installers and technicians from all over the country and Portugal attended this meeting looking for the industry novelties, this time the show was held at the same time with the new fair in the field of the Eco-energy, "Genera" wich is a growing and interesting fair show.
The positive feedback of our visitors and users cheer us to keep in our company objetives.
If you want to take a look in to our stand and products video made on this show you can visit