DIE NEUE Thermostatische Expansionsventil Serie RFGC
Die Serie RFGC 06 wurde speziell für den Einsatz mit Propan (R290) entwickelt und optimiert.
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The HDF series solenoid valves are piston type, pilot operated, and are designed for use in all air conditioning and refrigeration systems. HDF valves feature a hermetically sealed valve body with double-sealed coils for water tightness. Its unique click-on coil can be supplied with DIN connector, lead wires, and/or junction box.
The VPF series electronic expansion valves feature a stainless-steel body, built-in strainer to protect from clogging, and bimetal connections to ensure efficient brazing. Available in a capacity range of 12.5 to 400 tons, the VPF also offers an optional sight glass.
The Sanhua Green Tech Line for hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants such as propane (R290)/isobutane (R600a) use includes electronic expansion valves, thermostatic expansion valves, reversing valves, check valves, ball valves, and solenoid valves. Microchannel heat exchangers, which help improve system efficiency, are available with both evaporator and condenser. Additional system components such as filter driers, pressure transducers, and sight glasses round out the line. And whether working with subcritical or transcritical R744 applications, the Sanhua Green Tech Line offers stainless-steel ball valves and check valves, along with two series of electronic expansion valves designed for subcritical and transcritical applications.
Sanhua is a world leader in microchannel solutions, providing more than 1.5 million units annually to the global heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry. The standard Sanhua line includes slab and bend-radius condenser coils, as well as 1-row slab coil and A-coil designs for evaporator use. Applicable for all standard hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and HC refrigerants including R290, the Sanhua microchannel heat exchanger line covers a wide capacity range of applications for both air conditioning and commercial refrigeration.